3 tons wrote:
...”but your stuck with the SiO2 due to that cold issue”...
Well in my view, there’s likely lots of folks who be happy to be “stuck with SiO2’s” because of their ability to handle temperature excursions into the extreme, so I see it as a matter of opting for the right tool for the job, and for some of us here (nearing our expiration dates - lol!!) life cycles equate to an almost zero concern - JMO
3 tons
I ment as oposed to being able to use LFP, 99% of people even in canada dont use there Rv's in the extreem that PT does. I camp probably a lot longer into the fringes than most so I see a lot of below 0 in the mornings and even during the day and LFP will work fone for me, its just thoes few extreamests ;)