pianotuna wrote:
3 tons,
I don't always agree with BFL13, but to label him as a troll is unfair.
I'm always glad to find out I was wrong about something. That means I've learned something new.
As to long warranties on battery banks, there was a piano company in USA that offered a 50 year warranty. The company no longer exists.
One’s free to their opinion, but FWIW the term “fair or fairness” is likely one of the most abused terms in common parlance, because it’s always held within the eye of the beholder, but worse, it’s used as a “STOP!!” term - often abused to immediately disarm dissenters from their positions...
Either way, I apply such a term reluctantly, only after a fair amount of good faith consideration, humility and self-restraint and only after this last disingenuous contortion regarding charge efficiency fact, which I see as stealth mischief - from my ‘possibly myopic’ perspective (if you wish...) a clear disservice to others...
So there you have it, but this is just my opinion, others are well entitled to different points of view...Again, JMHO only here, but I’m glad you asked....
3 tons, in the High NV Desert