otrfun wrote:
Assuming a pair of 100ah LifePo4's were discharged to say, 10-20%, roughly how long would it take a 45a converter to charge two 100ah LifePo4 batteries to 90-95% assuming the converter remained at 14.4v the entire time?
First, understand that LiFePO4 can be discharged much deeper, down to about 10% State of Charge. Therefore, it will take more energy to recharge them.
Second, depending on the brand of LiFePO4 batteies you buy, some do and some don't have built in charge controllers. Reality is, you are going to need a new charger to get optimal performance and life from your batteries.
The new "trend" is to buy individual cells
(directly from China; up to 280Ah per cell) and build your one "battery pack". This will save you hundreds of $$$ ! For charging, use a MPPT solar charge controller and connect it to a "dumb" 15V-20V DC power supply.