StirCrazy if your claim is that the Solacity guy's info is just a sales pitch with wrong info about LFPs, it is your job to provide links to the correct, more credible, version of that information to prove your claim.
FWIW, I don't read it as a sales pitch, and I am one who got all kinds of abuse from you LFP guys on here last year or so for my complaints about LFP sales pitches having bogus info.
I am still getting abuse from 3-tons. :) Meanwhile he just used the Solacity guy as a reference in a recent post in this thread (13 May at 0732), and then when after that, I used the Solacity guy as a ref, he said that guy is not to be believed! Makes you laugh.
When I posted test results of my various field tests of various RV equipments to show what they did, I had to explain how I measured things to indicate how credible those results were.
It is no good making arm- wavy claims about LFP performance without any graphs , tables, and especially the whole scenario for how those measurements were made.
EG, if I had LFPs I would already have run some cycles and made graphs to see what really happens at various charging rates same as I did years ago to make my ugly graph using FLAs. Barre's book on 12v taught me how to do that.
So let's see some graphs and tables you LFP guys have made from your measurements and indicate how you got those numbers so they can be peer reviewed here by guys who can see if your results are credible.
itinerant1 has posted many tables of how his system performs, but they don't show graphs of charging profiles at various rates with times, which the Solacity guy claims to have seen but did not show.