On our Salem Hemisphere 5th wheel, it came with the Lippert Solid Steps. The Pros are that they truly are solid steps and they have a larger top step to remove shoes before entering the camper, and are made of aluminum so they won't rust. With that said, I don't really like them. First, when down, I have never had to use the extensions to reach the ground. This means that the bottom step lays nearly flat on the ground and gets muddy. When you put the steps back up, that mud now is in your camper or you have to hold the 30-40 pound steps in the air and clean off the steps before putting them all the way in. If it rains and they are wet when you put them in, you have to put a towel on the floor to catch the dripping water. If your camper is not completely level, or worse yet, the camper is level and the ground isn't, the door won't shut with them down. If the ground is un-level and you put one of the extensions out to secure the steps to the ground, the door won't shut because now the steps aren't all the way down. To solve this dilemma, you have to dig out the ground to make contact on both sides of the steps which then puts that bottom step further into the mud. But...when the camper is level and the ground is level and the steps are down on a really nice concrete pad and it doesn't rain, they're wonderful steps.