This is where it gets interesting because when I ask what is the cell voltages for said 40-90% or whatever soc % is claimed for longevity I never get an answer for that voltage range, besides why not use all the battery?
I personally bought the lfp to be used in it's entire voltage range at any PSOC, its ease of recharging with solar and the light weight of the batteries, plus not having to use a generator or pedestal power at low SOC.
Mine are still young at 4.5 years and 550+/- full cycles of fulltime use and never being turned off other than one time when the bms did it's job shutting down the batteries. This is with loads from 7a-175a everyday multiple times a day. 40+ days being the longest psoc (25%-75%) before solar caught up to fully charge the batteries. I have gone through my recordings from previous years and it still shows the same voltage readings at misc PSOC. I'm sure it has used some capacity but can't detect it when comparing the voltage to SOC capacity with or without loads from 25% to 100%.
But then 14.2v (3.55vpc +/-) is the max my batteries (cells) have been charged to and float at 13.6v (3.4vpc +/-) always a load on the system.