My Trimetric is now ten years old, and I get a lot of use out of it. However, I never liked their idea of when a battery is truly full, so I never did set the "three parameters" so it would read SOC.
I did set the AH counter to not automatically reset per the advice when having solar, so it does not reset ever time it gets dark.
So I use it for the amps, volts, and AH count. I reset it when I get the chance. And that's with flooded or AGMs.
I would do the same with Li, where you can see the amps tapering and to what at what voltage. I am not clear that you need any AH count or exact SOC with Li. You certainly don't want to go below the low voltage danger point, which you can if your bank is top-balanced (as I understand it.) But doesn't the bank have its own protection against that? I got lost on all that.
Anyway, I don't see where you need any new charger or monitor as such. I would disable the SOC read-out on the monitor and just use the amps, volts, and AH counter.
I am imagining that you will get a "feel" for your system with experience as to what voltages and amps acceptance rates "go with" approx. SOCs. That works for me--and others too I expect--probably yourself too!
As long as the bank has protection from overly high and low voltages, you will be able to tell by "feel" whether you can get through another night or if you need to recharge the bank today. What else do you need to know?