Corkey05 wrote:
Make sure some critter hasn't stuffed the intake hose with nesting material. check it all the way back to, and including the intake filter. It's a quick easy way to check one off the list, and possibly find the problem.
An excellent suggestion Corkey.
Also I once left one of my favorite MI places to head south for the winter and noticed a "Strange Sound" (Ok not strange I knew exactly what it was... Misfire) My Wife could not hear a thing.
Rodents lunched on the ignition primary (low voltage) wires. Some solder, Tape and 2 new plugs and full power once again.
There are many sensors. Hoses and wires.. Some of them you won't hear anything wrong.... Just no power.
A OBD-II adapter and phone application like TORQUE will read or even reset in some cases the error codes.. >This can be helpful. .. Or Cryptic.. Depending
I once had my car start, suddenly act up.. This was OBD-1 I read the code and called the mechanic who told me the code class. (not the specific) I thanked him, Popped the hood. Hooked the sensor back up (Yup I when he said "emissions" I knew what it was) and on the road again in about the time it takes to type this last paragraph. And I type fast.