afidel wrote:
So the response of the ECU to a bad knock sensor is to max out the fuel trim. What that means is it runs the engine as lean as possible which would definitely account for the lost power. Looks like knock sensors run about $100 each, harnesses are around $45 and labor will probably be a few hundred.
Btw there's a known issue with rusting of the knock sensors so when they're replaced make sure they follow the TSB and put in the silicone dam to stop future water intrusion which should keep you from needing to do the repair again in the future.
I agree that it’s really strange to have both failing at the same time. I wonder if some other condition causes the engine to think the sensors are bad.
If you do replace them, they’re only $36.79 each for the ACDelco sensors on
When I looked into this a bit, it seems the 8.1L has the knock sensors on the outside of the engine below the exhaust manifolds so the water intrusion isn’t an issue there. on Amazon: