As festus would have said, be afeerd, very afeerd... :E Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
The facts as reported don't seem to add up. If the power strip ended up shorting out, it should have just tripped the breaker on the circuit it was plugged into. So the converter was on the same circuit? You could reconnect the converter to another breaker temporarily. The converter *shouldn't* be damaged.
If the fridge is working on propane, then the battery only is keeping it going. Even with everything switched off, there's 12 volt phantom loads that will eventually drain the battery. If you're going to be stuck this way for more than a few days, perhaps get a trickle charger?
I'd maybe shut the shore power off and check the tightness of all wires at the breakers in the panel and the neutral connections too. Maybe pull out the receptacles that aren't working and inspect the connections on the back of them. Check voltage at each breaker. If 120 volts at each one, something is wrong downstream.
Do you get 41 volts on hot to neutral or also on hot to ground? Neutral to ground should read zero or close to it.
Has anyone ever done mods to 120 volt things before? Here's an example from another forum where someone worked on a fridge receptacle after it left the factory which eventually led to overheating due to bad connections and improper connection of a 3rd romex cable. Maybe you've got something similar going on in a receptacle somewhere?