Budsmith wrote:
I have 120 volts in all recepts except refridg and convertor...They have 41.8 volts with all breakers off or on except the A/C and M/W..I used extension cord to power up the refridg....Tried plugging up the convetor on ext cord and had a pop and smoke from the conveter so I guess it will haveto be replaced...Keeping batteries charged with batt charger..
Between camping trips so can't stay with this.
Not clear from above if the two receptacles are on the same breaker. If so, suggest not plugging the fridge back into its regular receptacle until it measures 120v. Same with a new converter to its receptacle.
No idea why the converter problem would back up to its receptacle (and breaker?) to measure 41.8v. New one on me.
I would suspect the actual breaker, but it is not clear. In the past, I have had a suspect breaker in the 120v panel, and swapped out the black wire(s) going into it to another breaker next door. That showed things worked again on the next door breaker, so that first breaker was replaced.
The fridge's receptacle outside behind the access panel can get wet from water down from the roof vent or however (not supposed to happen), but that would just trip the GFCI on that circuit.
Some forum guys better at RV electrical might have a notion what is going on here. ????