mlts22 wrote:
I use a portable Flojet macerator pump. Impellers are one replacement. What helps with motor life is using a clear plastic sleeve. When the stuff stops pouring, I can stop the pump far faster than by sound. As an added bonus, the sleeve I bought has a flushing attachment which works well for an extended backflush.
I too use use a portable Flojet macerator pump, and I also use the clear plastic extension. I have been using my pump for about eight years.
Through the years, I have replaced (about $65) the upper housing (pump to dump valve connector), and two impellers. I dropped the macerator, and broke one of the four ears off the housing. It leaks with only three ears. I am not sure how I broke the first impeller (about $30 I think), but think because I turned the motor backwards with the screw on the end of the motor. I know for sure that is how I broke the second one (about $4). DO NOT TURN THE IMPELLER BACKWARD, you will probably break the impeller. I purchased the first impeller locally. I googled for the second impeller, and found discontinued stock for $4 each. I bought 5, all they had. I discovered if you were not going to use your macerator for a couple of months or more, the impeller would get stuck. I now pour a couple of tablespoons of cooking oil in it, and run it a few seconds before storing.
There are a couple of reasons I use the clear extension. When I put my Flojet in place, I slowly open the gray valve and fill the pump/extension and run the pump for a few seconds. If my connections are tight, I close the gray and open and flush the black tank. I learned this the hard way, with two lessons. With the clear extension, I can see that there is no dribble from the valves, meaning they are closed. Had one not completely closed once, lesson learned. I use the back flush that is on the pump, and the clear extension makes it easier to see I have flushed clean.
With a TC, and limited storage space, I find multiple uses for what I take camping. The clear extension also makes it easier to use the Macerator for making Margarita and Slurpee's. And it holds a full glass.