wa8yxm wrote:
StirCrazy wrote:
time2roll wrote:
Unless preserving a rare historic vehicle.... get a replacement converter.
the problem with that is it doent have the distrabution side (unless it just isn't showing it. the old paralax ones are not filtered dc and in my case only had two 12V circuts with old glass fuses and one 120V with a resettable push button for a breaker. by using a 4000 series power centre you get up to 10 or 12 , 12v circuts and up to 4 120V. I only used two of the 4 so far but if the wife decides she wants a microwave i can add that.
The 4600 series is designed to replace the Electronics on older Converters like the Magnetek or less reliable ones like the WFCOs.
Now the original Magnatek has two outputs.. One rad unfiltered rectivied AC and one that goes to the battery (Also unfliltered but the battery is a filter) with the 4600 you simply bridge those (Blue and red) leads (tie them together) since it's a filtered DC out Way way way way way better.
ya for mine, it would have been a lot more work to get that to work then just replacing the whole thing. I also gained the bonus of being able to take all the 12V accessories and give them there own fuse instead of the fridge, furnace, all the lights, water pump and such being all on two outputs. but if there is a 12V distrabution panel that would work for that also. with the 120V side I was able to have the charger on a breaker also so I can turn it off if I decide to run an inverter, I kinda made the system expansion ready, but I could see if you wanted to maintain that "look" then you wat somthing that hids behind the sceen.