Silas Carpy wrote:
I’ve been monitoring the batteries and today the 12 volt chassis battery was at 11.55 volts and the 6 volt coach batteries were 5.85.
11.55 volts is almost completely dead.
Your battery maintainer isn't working.
A maintainer that actually works will keep the batteries at around 13.5 volts (which would be 6.75 volts on each 6 volt battery).
Note that most house battery chargers only maintain your house batteries - not your chassis batteries.
In order to also maintain your chassis batteries, you'll probably need to add a diversion charger (which "steals" a little bit of current from your house batteries to also keep the chassis batteries charged).
A couple examples of diversion chargers:
Xantrex Echo-ChargeLSL Products AMP-L-START