Would a gallon per gallon ratio be suitable to store the effluent in a container (like a 55 gallon drum) and use the effluent for dishwashing and bathing? By design I -must- store service waster and it works out well. This doesn't address water heater minieralization but for drinking water it can't be beat.
I'm going to the steriline site! Rapidly :)
Thank you for the head's up!
OZONE GENERATOR LINKCaveat: For duty in excess of ten minutes I definitely recommend the use of a 50 CFM computer muffin fan.
This is a HIGH VOLTAGE unit that should be mounted in an enclosure with lots of holes. Pure sine AC only. Shore power filtered AC input. NOT FOR USE in areas with relative humidity in excess of 60%. Not for use in proximity with goods that are sensitive to O3 The caveat is from the school of hard knocks.
But ozone kills 100.000% of all water borne life. Freshly Ozonated water is so much a disinfectant that I use it to sterilize cuts and abrasions and it works BETTER, like way way better than triple antibiotic salve. The water must me used no later than 15 minutes after generation. When bottled with a tight cap the shelf life of freshly ozonated water is phenomenal. Water purification plants down here regularly GUARANTEE their sealed bottles of water to remain sterile for one year.
Ozone can be murder on rubber products. The generator cannot tolerate getting wet or even slightly damp.