Thanks for the good info. Be an hour or so before we can try things like the touch-pad as suggested..
Pushing the HYD button once gets a brief power on then quits with a click--that might be a solenoid instead of a circuit breaker?
I wondered if it was low battery so I asked him to try that trick using the house batteries. He used the "boost button" on the dash and now the controller had no power at all. Release the boost and unit has power. It seems it gets battery from the engine battery.
No idea why no power with the boost on.
I am now wondering if it is low battery but where the engine battery seems ok until you try to use it. Maybe instead of a resetting CB that lets him try again soon after, it is the battery coming back to life enough to power the controller but not enough to power the systems?
He has been there two months, started up, raised the jacks and backed up a little ways then shut down. Then later he started up and moved forward back to his spot and now he is having this trouble. But the "low battery" light on the control panel does not come on. I don't know if his solar is set to also do the engine battery.
The manual says if the brake is not on the unit will not work so I will ask him to try starting the whole thing over and then put the brakes on again and see if the controller has reset or whatever.
He was a bit vague on whether the jacks were fully retracted, saying something about 80% or something I did not understand. He says there is air in the bags when I asked if that little shot of air was all there was. The manual does show a few things that can be tried out like that with your fingers crossed.
He described the procedure for lowering the jacks he uses, and now I am reading the manual it seems he always does it manually by using the dump button. It says to hit the HYD a second time and it is automatic from there. I think he said he hits the HYD a second time and then hits dump. That might confuse the 610's brain? No idea.
Anyway he isn't that badly off; he can still use the MH and he can always level by driving up on some planks.