pnichols wrote:
What his excellent report also shows is what an outstanding piece of engineering the Microair Easy Start represents.
Way to go .... both ktmrfs and Micro Air Corp.!!!!
Now ... combine the Micro Air Easy Start with one of the new high efficiency 13.5K RV rooftop air conditioners ... and a single little Honda 2000i just might really shine at any temperature and altitude with Eco mode off or maybe on.
yes that would be ideal. the new energy efficient ones draw around 10A which is similar to the polar cub on my smaller trailer.
Now another comparison I can describe. my smaller trailer has a coleman power cub, 9,000BTU AC. it is much lower starting current and the honda 2000 will start and run it at 6,000ft plus on hot days.
But if I compare subjective starting to the MachIII with easy start, the MachIII and easy start presents a lower initial load to the honda. If in eco mode the polar cub will cause the honda to immediately reve to full throttle and the rpm will vary for a few seconds before settling down as it gets over the inrush load.
with the MachIII and easy start, the honda rev's up to final rpm without any fuss in one smooth rev cycle.
so IMHO the easy start would be a must have for me on even the newer high efficiency AC units, and I may install one on the polar cub as well. I just need to make sure there is a spot to mount the easy start box.