Hi road-runner,
I was told a simple capacitor could be used to correct the power factor on my autoformer thread. But I would not want to mess up the Micro Air.
road-runner wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
If I add power factor correction to the air conditioner will it "play well" with the EasyStart?
Is there a device for that? The run capacitor is of course doing static PFC, but since the power factor changes with the voltage, waveform, and motor load the effectiveness of the correction varies. I suppose it's technologically possible to do active PFC on a load as large as an air conditioner. I've never see such a device, which of course doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When I've measured the power factor of a Dometic 13.5 unit under varying conditions, the worst power factor I observed was 0.93, not too shabby. An active device would have to introduce some power-stealing overhead and/or efficiency loss, so I'd question if in this case it could provide enough of a net improvement to be worth it. Maybe other air conditioners have a worse PF. I looked only one time.