NicodemusY wrote:
I believe the main issue is a microwaves massive startup current consumption. For example an 800 watt microwave is 800watts of microwave power not the power consumed. A microwave may pull upto 4 x the continuous power on startup. So a 800watt microwave might need 3200 watt inverter.
That said I am sure people on here have real world experience of using microwaves on inverters.
Hopefully they will reply.
Microwave ovens don't have a particularly large inrush current when compared with many other appliances. There is no big motor to get spinning, as with a fridge or air conditioner. An 800W microwave (output power, consuming maybe 1000 or so watts of electric power) should run okay from a 1500 watt inverter, provided of course the inverter is capable of it's rated output and not overrated for marketing reasons.
In my opinion, it is far more practical to use a stovetop coffee maker and reheat stuff on the stove or in a gas oven when boondocking than it is to construct a sufficient battery bank, inverter, etc. setup to microwave and run Me. Coffee. A generator is another option, as was mentioned.