msmith1.wa wrote:
Skibane wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
And you are willing to apply for a Darwin Award on the basis of a 25 cent sensor? No Thanks! When is the last time the sensor was tested?
Let me guess: You're one of those people who wears 3 face masks while driving alone...
Typically, the CO sensor self-tests itself - and the detector also has a manual test button. Most models have a running time counter that disables the detector and sounds an alarm after enough hours have accumulated to degrade sensor accuracy.
If it's really that much of concern to you, install two CO detectors - or three, just to be extra, extra-sure. They're dirt-cheap, and readily available.
You'd think that if there was a significant danger associated with catalytic heaters, there would be at least one published news story about some hapless RVer being killed by one.
They've been sold for many decades. Camco sells a boatload of them.
Where are all the stories about death and carnage?
Here is one
Not always from heaters either.
Oops, try again. Someone got CO poisoning by running their generator effectively indoors….
That’s just extreme stupidity and the outcome would have been to be expected.
Go triple up your mask, Karen.