Five x 6.3 Isc panels in parallel, all aimed at the sun when high up, would get you 31.5a on PWM.
Lying flat, not so much. Depends on location and time of year. If difference flat/ aimed is 6/7, then 31.5 aimed would be 27a flat. Now add an MPPT factor of 10% over PWM, so 27 + 2.7 = 29.7a The controller is an MPPT 30a so it would clip any overage above 30. So reported 30a is reasonable IMO
Putting those five in series would make for a very high voltage that the MPPT would have to reduce to 12v battery even if the controller could accept that voltage intake. We know that higher voltage spreads here make for lower controller efficiency.
So IMO series in this case would be less efficient plus require an extraordinarily high Voc controller for big bucks (dollars not converters)
In general, just getting 30a at times from five 100w flat panels is pretty darn good. Good choice of trade-offs in the set-up IMO (which is worth millions of course!)