The previous Eq cycle was 20 days ago.
Regarding the 10% rate. I've thinking that pushing 6 amps into this battery would push voltages well over 15.9 at that state of charge. It took less than 30 seconds at 6 amps for voltage to climb from 14.8 to 15.9, and then current dropped to 4.2 and held there for a while before tapering to 3.6 when I terminated the cycle
If 3.6 amps is all that is required to hold the battery at 15.9v, then more amps will require more voltage to 'blow up that balloon'. Or perhaps I have a complete misinformed way of looking at charging current
Now I have seen my schumacher pump 10+ amps into this battery at 16 volts, but, when this occurs, it does not go constant voltage at 14.x for x amount of time, It just keeps pumping in the amps until 16 volts is reached, I guess like a manual charger would.
I think I am going to cycle the AGM for a week and use the 31 as an engine starting battery only. I did that after my post earlier today. The 31 can turn the engine over pretty quickly too, especially after an EQ cycle.
I'm interested how the AGM responds to the same usage patterns( 90%+ solar recharging)I've been Subjecting the 31 to, for days and weeks on end. Odyssey's 40% till 14.7 then hold for 4 hours Spec makes me think the Northstar requires similar, as the two batteries make many similar claims otherwise.