A Saturday Dipping for Data
All week 14.8Absv, 15v F.
25 to 45 Ah removed each night.
Plenty of sun each day to do 15v for several hours. A smidge of alternator assistance on 3 mornings, 3 evenings.
Float threshold, less than 0.8 amps to hold 14.8v or 90 minutes. Basically 90 minutes.
Dipped today right when it went into Float/finish, taking 1.6 amps to hold 15v.
1.255, 1.250, 1.255.
I left it at 15v and when current tapered to 0.8amps, about an hour later, I checked again. 1.260, 55 , 60
Switched all loads to AGM.
Turned it upto 16v for the 31.
5.6 amps required to hold 16v
30 minutes later 1.270
45 minutes later 3.8 amps 1.280
.5 hour later,, 3.6 amps 1.280
Sun became too low to hold 16.
I left it set at 16v and it took a while before it dropped below 15 with the low sun angle.
Keeping all loads off the 31 overnight, cycling AGM and being wasteful intentionally
The reason for a Saturday Dipping, not Sunday, is my landlord bought a "new" Interstate 6v starting battery 2 weeks ago, and had not yet put it on a charger.
The 10 amp 6v charger is manual .
I read 6.05v. 1.215
Attach charger, it takes 11 amps and voltage rises to 6.54v
2 hours later, 1.225
1 hour later 1.250
1 hour later 1.260,
At that point, 7.59V, taking 5 amps
1 hour later 1.270, 7.62v taking 4.6 amps.
babysitting over, manual Charge cycle ended prematurely
What was weird. Before I hooked up the charger, I took a SG reading. Battery had not been moved, touched for 2+ weeks
First bulb squeeze, 1.305
Second, 1.295
On and on until about the tenth bulb squeeze it dropped to 1.215.
So the stratified electrolyte, on top, was the most dense.
Opposite. Bizarro world
Or perhaps I was just sucking the fluid from between two plates and not just the top. It was easy to suck bubbles those first few dippings until the Electrolyte level rose as the SOC rose.