It isn't easy. But then I have had an impacted molar. Tooth pain is absolutely unbelievable. Narcotic based pain killers do not help a bit. Why? I do not know. One time I took 30mg of oxycodone trying to help. It was useless. I was fuzzy brained and it hurt like heck.
OIL OF CLOVES dabbed on the tooth helps more. With your doctor's approval KEFLEX is the only, single solitary antibiotic that actually works to kill the bacteria causing the pain.
OK, why all this, here?
Remember the pain factor. The drill and root canal spine hook is a joke compared to an impacted tooth.
Point (and it is important! :)
All Novocaine contains EPINEPHRINE as an additive. It acts to supercharge the novocaine and make it last longer.
BUT! Epinephrine is the LAST medication an individual with heart issues should ever experience. It can be deadly. I have never found pure novocaine down here. Huge cities may have a supplier called a proveedore in Spanish.
Do yourself a favor and get permission from your USA doctor before getting dosed with Mexican novocaine.
Now did this take your mind off of drills and long needles? :)
Numbing agent went in at 9:50 AM, by 12 Noon, I was back in the USA... Agent that checked my passport had attitude, not of the good type. Very, very long time for that stuff to wear off... by about 3:45, there were still tinges of numbness, but a point were I felt I had enough feeling to eat some soft burrito without biting myself.
Upper jaw feels tweaked, like someone jackhammered on a couple of molars, routing and scraping the cr*p of what's left of those teeth. Dull ache, probably will have that going for a few days, gum line got cut back and lasered to control the bleeding, for better access to the tooth, it was cracked below the gum line.
Oral Rinse with Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.12% I get to Wander, after daylight, again on June 30th and a few days after that... for final fitting...
My buttocks is numb too... 318 miles yesterday, on $23.00 of diesel in Yuma, AZ, close to 400 today, via San Diego then North.
Hopefully the work is good, and I made out OK long term on the teeth. No love for dental work.