Hmm, good points. You've been A SG measurer for longer than me, I started with my previous set of Crowns near the end of their life, that were sulfated by too low a bulk current and not regular enough eq's, as well as compromised by not watering them in time, which was also required 4 times or more a year.
I'm kind of using this thread as a log of this particular battery's performance and behavior through its lifespan, as I have not been writing it down elsewhere.
Measuring and comparing the results has been interesting, and with input from other battery nerds( no offense) has helped me to better understand such things.
Though I know they are just batteries and do not own me.
At least I try and remind myself of that occasionally.
My Schumacher just stopped feeding the AGM prematurely, confused by the solar's higher setpoints, but either the battery was not as Discharged as I thought( which is dismaying for the voltage shown last night) or something else is going on. I expected it to take at least 20 more A/h and right now it is only taking 6 amps at 14.8v from the solar, and the Schumacher is unplugged.
I might cycle it again and try again tomorrow as Odyssey's recommended 40% rate keeps bouncing around in my skull. The Odyssey engineer I spoke with said 2 50% cycles and a 40% recharge rate would be required to restore an undercharged deeply cycled odyssey back to maximum energy density.
Not being able to dip that AGM is like walking blind.