I had the battery out yesterday after floating all night and then a 14.9v 15.3v for ~ 2 hours. i dipped all six cells instead of the 3 easy to access ones.
1.230 -
1.254 +
I tried to push it to 16V. It exceeded 6.5 amps at 15.56v
It required 8 amps to reach 16v and the amps kept climbing, and I gave up on the EQ attempt
It used to require 6.2 amps to reach 16V and this number would taper to as low as 3.8 amps when SG maxed out.
The Electrolyte level on all cells varied widely. It took a LOT of water since the last refill, which was not that long ago. The ends of the case are bulging outward.
At the moment, it is reading 12.0v 22AH from full under a 7 amp load.