The best of fortune in your endevours. The 31 gave it's all. I'd like to read your perception of the characteristics between both batteries. See if your battery's stars and planets align themself with Niner's stories about his 1275. Trends & Tendencies. TT is a remarkable tool.
That's not a fair comparison. My T-1275s were beat up badly upon receiving them. Probably over 500 recharge cycles on them at a Golf Course, then sat dishcharged with a SG of 1.200 to 1.230 for 2 or 3 months before being gifted to me, and I gave them some tough love.
Landy's will be brand new, I suspect. I know I have not been kind to mine trying to give them 15.0V off the solar panel, versus 14.8V, but I like getting those last few percentage points close to 100% SOC daily. I suspect I may shorten their lives a few days or a few weeks or a few months doing so, but I don't use mine day in and day out.
It just makes me feel better knowing the battery bank tank is full before the sun stops giving me free juice and the electrical consumption gets high after dark, when out boondocking. I'm not losing water yet on a regular basis charging this way, so I take that as a good sign. Drawing 35 to 50 amps each night with 75 amps available isn't drawing the T-1275 down that far each charge cycle, so that's helping me a lot too.