As far as the 31 battery heating up at the bottom goes, the IR gun read hottest about 3/4 inches from the very bottom of the battery, and it was cooler below this part. the hottest cell was the cell which always read the lowest SG wise.
It could have been the cooler asphalt removing heat or just heat generation 3/4 inches up.
The 31battery now reads 12.62 volts 20 hours after it was removed from charging source. I had allowed it 14 volts and amps had tapered to 3.3 when I removed it from charging source, so it was not fully charged
So the 31's specific gravity on last check was reading in the good range on all cells with those extremely elevated electrolyte temps.
Resting voltage is still healthy enough.
It could/can still power my overnight needs.
It was only the temperature the battery was attaining during a maximum 10% recharge which caused alarm bells to ring.
The filled hydrometer was not even cloudy or gray!
It seems that 3 of the 4 regular indicators of battery death, were not indicating battery death.
If I chose the ostrich approach to this battery, perhaps it would have gone boom.
I wish I had a longer 8 awg powerpoled extension cord. I'd continue to cycle this battery further from my Van.
The heat at the bottoms of the cells would indicate it is shorted out, the voltage does not.