Forum Discussion

maillemaker's avatar
Mar 11, 2017

Need help wiring Honeywell CT31A1003 thermostat

I have a 1990 Winnebago Warrior.

I am rebuilding the bathroom wall, and had to remove the thermostat to do this. I was CERTAIN I took a picture of the wires before removal, but now cannot find the photo!

Here is where I am right now:

I have 2 purple wires, one is + the other - 12 VDC.

Then I have a blue wire.

I need to know which terminals the wires go to.

I *think* the purple wires went to R and W. I would *guess* that R is positive.

I *think* the blue wire went to the Y terminal.

Can anyone help?

  • I have the manuals for both the AC and the Furnace. Unfortunately they make no mention of thermostat hookups.

    So, I took a guess. I assumed R was +, W was -, and I was pretty sure the blue wire went to the Y terminal.

    Everything works.

  • You also need to know which furnace and AC system this controls. The manual should tell you exactly where the wires go. Had this issue with a new t-stat and furnace last summer. Furnace had been removed due to dead mouse inside it. Nothing was marked. Looked up manual for furnace online. After that just followed the wiring diagram. Turned 2hrs troubleshooting into a 20 min job.
  • I can help with this. Hopefully others will be help answer your question.
    Good luck with it all.....