campermama wrote:
That's what i am looking at at night, a shunt monitor. I don't need/want to calculate SOC based on V. I'm just looking at what the monitor is telling me and trying to figure out why it's reading 13.2v instead of 13.3 or 13.4 after charging all day.
I assume all the voltage and current readings you're referencing were taken from the battery monitor display and/or Victron controller?
Me, I'd verify charge current (mid-day sun with max charge current) at the battery terminal (before the shunt if measuring at the neg terminal) with a DC clamp-on ammeter. I'd also verify battery charge voltage (mid-day sun with max charge current) at the battery terminal (before the shunt if measuring at the neg terminal) with a voltmeter.
I'd make the same voltage/current checks while doing a high c discharge with your inverter, too.
Do these readings correspond with the voltage/current readings on your monitor (charge and discharge) and/or controller (charge only)?
Did you program your Victron controller with any specific charge profile or voltage(s)?