Ductape wrote:
@ Lawrosa, I absolutely would go with residential panels if I had the space. Did exactly that on the last coach; two big panels and a Midnite controller. Worked fantastic.
But this coach has too darn many things on the roof already. I would have to relocate factory installed roof penetrations to fit a couple of big panels, and that's not happening.
Not really too worried about the shade either. In my experience, we're either in the sun, or in the trees. :)
Really? OK....... 2 panels win in my book..
Its the same $$$ so it dont make sense. 400 watts 12 volt vs 540 watts 24 volts
4 panels 3.4 ft x 2.3 ft x4 = 31.28 sq ft
2 panels 5.4 x 3.3 = 24.82 sq ft
Edit: Oops is my math wrong?
4 panels 3.4 ft x 2.3 ft x4 = 31.28 sq ft
2 panels 5.4 x 3.3 = 35.64 sq ft