Forum Discussion

peteandpatty01's avatar
May 06, 2014

no charging voltage

Have a four winds hurricane motorhome. Had to replace my 12V house batteries (two in parallel). I checked the voltage at the cables that attach to the batteries and have 0 volts. I expected about 13 volts DC. This would be coming from the converter to keep the batteries charged. I checked the out put of the converter and have 13.6 volts DC. All the 12 volt lights work and the engine battery is fully charged after sitting all winter hooked to shore power. So my questions:
Am I correct in expecting 12 to 13 volts at the cable ends that attach to the house batteries?
Is the circuit from the converter to the batteries fused?
If fused where would it be located?
Thanks for any help you folks are great.
  • Not sure we are talking the same fuses. I find the 12.3 volts in a fuse box in the engine compartment on the fire wall. Book shows there are 12 fuses there. Book also shows a fuse box by the break peddle, can't find that one but found a fuse box in the side of the bed, not mentioned in the book. This fuse box has 13.6 volts in it. I believe the box by the bed is the box that should be by the break peddle. These fuses distribute DC around the camper...lights, fans, etc, the one on the fire wall seems to be for automotive stuff....turn signals, break lights, etc.
    The question; does house battery voltage reach fuse box by bed if all else is disconnected is still valid and will be checked out.
  • So the house DC panel does get 13.6 from converter which is good.

    But that 12.3 (and 14.4?) from engine battery is unknown whether it can reach the house DC fuse panel if the isolator (the one that lets the house batts start the engine if needed) is set for that.

    Which means the house battery disconnect switch did not let that 12.3 through or the isolator didn't.

    So we still need to know what is stopping the 13.6 from reaching the house batts and we need to eliminate the 85a thing to see if house batt voltage at least gets past that, if not all the way to the house DC panel. If it gets past that 85a thing, then we are back to that house solenoid that clicks but the light stays on?

    What about that post above re a BCC? Is that a BIRD? I have no clue about that side of things, don't have a MH.
  • Problem solved! to try to find our why everything in the battery compartment was dead I bit the bullet and went under the motorhome to follow wires. Can't believe what I found. The heavy gauge wire that brings the converter voltage to the front of the motorhome was too short, so someone bolted on more wire and taped the joint. The bolt came apart so the wire was open. I will run new wire from the converter to the box in the engine compartment, no splices. Once I rejoined the wires everything works.
    Thank you so much for your help. Not a total loss I now have a better understanding how the electrical system works in the motorhome. Learned a lot!