CA Traveler wrote:
Dusty R wrote:
S Davis wrote:
Water that has been heated will freeze faster than cold water, it has less air entrained in the water than the cold.
What if you have 2 pans of water, one has been heated, but both are now the same temperature. Will they now both take the same amount of time to turn to ice?
No and it has nothing to do with air in the water. See my 10:12am post today.
What do you mean No, even the article you referenced says they don’t understand why, do you have some credentials or experience you want to share? I am not saying hot water freezes faster but water that has been heated and has cooled off afterwards in the piping.
The Mpemba effect is a phenomenon in which hot water appears to freeze faster than cold water. The phenomenon is temperature-dependent. There is disagreement about the parameters required to produce the effect and about its theoretical basis.