valhalla360 wrote:
StirCrazy wrote:
what camp site will let you run a generator for 23 hours. up here you are limited to 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours around supper and they are even claming down more. lots of places have no generator policys. thats why I went pure solar.
I've used it boondocking when no one is nearby or I've been in boondocking areas where everyone is running them anyway. ie: no formal policies.
I've also used it in formal campgrounds when the voltage sags to unacceptable levels (as in below 100v with the autoformer boosting) or fails entirely. I've offered to shut it down as soon as they provide the 120v power I contracted for when renting the site...they usually say "never mind" at that point.
ya the only time up here I have seen them throw the rules out the window, was last year when I was camping and we got the heat wave where it went up to 47 degrees C. this last few days I was camping in a provincial park and they park wardens were at the niebouring site 2 min after generator hours to tell them to shut it off. I forgot how much I hated them, they were two hundred feet away and when they started it it was very anoying, wasnt even a quiet honda, which I probably wouldnt have been able to hear at that distance. funny thing they were tenting and were using a genny to power a electric hot plate to do there cooking on.. haha