freewayrandy wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
freewayrandy wrote:
All fans are working, fridge in on a solid wall, flap is closed. Mobile tech was just here, thinks I have another bad cooling unit.
Not likely. IF all parameters are correct, then either the tech did not install the CU correctly or there is another issue on the refer. I ALWAYS lean towards the rear ventilation and the baffles that are or are not installed correctly. I would also lean towards the roof cut out not aligned to the refer or some type of foam has pushed back and partially blocked the upper roof vent flow. I have seen insulation and foam push back and partially block the free air flow at the roof vent cut outs. Doug
Unit has side wall vent and it is clear.
Then THAT is probably the issue. That is why I asked if in a slide room. YOUR install is the same as a slide room install. With the upper door removed, can you take a Pic looking straight in (not down) and post it. When you have NO ROOF VENT, getting the hot air out and away is critical. Especially on Norcold large 4 door refers. The fans Norcold installs will not do a good job of exhausting the hot air out and thru that upper door. It also depends on WHERE the upper Condenser fins are located in relation to the top of that door. That is why I would like a pic. I always install an extra 12 volt fan just inside that upper door blowing out to force the hot air out. Usually the OEM factory will approve that. Norcold will not, because IF the rear of the cabionet and doors are installed to Norcold installation specs, that fan is not needed. rarely do ANY OEM's build the cabinet to Norcold specs with the required baffles and shims. What I would do here if your unit was in, I would just set a 120 small fan at the upper door(door removed), blowing out and would wire the 120 elements hot all the time for a 24 hour test. IF the refer works, ( I bet it will), then ventilation is the problem. Doug