My Norcold N621 built circa 2003 fridge works, but is slowly failing as it cannot keep a cold temperature. Running about 50 degrees now.
I was away for 5 days returning yesterday. 4 of those were 'off grid' running on propane.
The interior temp then kept slipping downwards.
My volt meter showed my new twin Interstate golf cart batteries to be in good shape as we used very little power off grid as it was sunny and light here in the north country well into the evening. Meter reading was 11.9V
On the 5th day we moved and had a powered site. Same cooling performance from the fridge. Struggled to maintain a low temp.
I could hear the power panel cooling fan come on repeatedly. The only draw at that time was recharging the batteries and of course the fridge.
There is no ammonia smell, no service codes showing up as would be suggested by the Norcold owner manual.
The guy at the local RV repairs says it needs to be replaced!
Any ideas on how to proceed?
Replace with the same unit?
Replace with a different set up? 110V?