SoundGuy wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
RV Absorbsion refers take a minimum of 24 hours to reach operating temp.
With a small 1.7 cu ft manual light gas absorption fridge, maybe ... but I'd have to disagree when it comes to a ~ 6 cu ft fridge / freezer typical of those found in most TTs, 5ths, etc. We may not see quite the extreme summer temps here in Ontario that you see in Texas but high 80s, low 90s aren't that uncommon yet I can easily turn on my fridge and have it sufficiently cool within 4 hours ... anything longer than that and I'd be looking for a problem with the fridge. I've owned both Norcold and Dometic and can't say one works any better, or cools any quicker, than the other ... 4 hrs and I'm good to go. :B
Yea, what do I know. Just 36 years as a Professional RV Tech. You call Dometic or Norcold and state your refer does not seem to be cooling and they will state----CHECK AFTER 24 HOURS, then see. I make good money off people that bring the RV in and complain about cooling problems. $130 later I call them and ask what the problem is after I can find nothing wrong on both 120 and LP. They tell me they checked after running 6 hours and such and they figured there was a problem. IF they call me first, I tell them 24 hours, and most of the time they find out they do NOT have a problem. Doug