Farmboy666 wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
NONE of the previous schematics and even the Internet Links are WRONG for RV's. Just goes to show the Internet is not always right.
Brown----- RT
BLUE-------Electric Brakes
BLACK------12 volt positive
GREEN------Running Lights
YELLOW-----Center pin unused but if used Reverse lights.
Before you attempt to correct me-----I have wired and repaired miswiring on hundreds of 7 way RV trailers. Since this is an RV forum, the correct answer is posted above
Now, what confuses some people is 4 way BOAT or Utility trailer wiring
4 way flat is
BROWN ---Running lights
So, some know 4 way flat and then use the same colors when connecting to a 7 way plug. Which is wrong. Doug
Why don’t you read the original post, he doesn’t care what’s normal, he wants to know if anybody has seen a trailer wired like his.
If someone wired it wrong, then it is ridiculous to ask if someone has seen his wiring. I am telling him HOW to correctly wire HIS trailer so it will work on any vehicle that is correctly wired. Make it correct, not work around the problem. I was also responding to the mistaking wiring links so people will realize those links are wrong. Doug