Bill.Satellite wrote:
I would suspect you have a short in the coax somewhere. You should try running a new cable directly from the antenna to the power supply. Some of the omni style antennas have the connection under the base making this a difficult option. You could start by simply using a multi-meter to see if the coax is grounded (shorted). There should not be any continuity if you touch the center wire and the outside collar.
Thanks Bill. Where do you suspect the power supply might live? Up in the ceiling somewhere? I cant imagine the wall plate is powered directly from the battery without some sort of power supply in line adjusting amperage but I could be wrong.
When I pulled down the plate I pulled as much slack as it would give (only about 6") and all I saw was a few wires that appeared to be power wires plus I think 3 or 4 coax. The coax were run to a splitter which likely goes throughout the camper.
Thanks again!