MEX - you've provided an interesting thread!
Yes it should be moved "somewhere else"....for better (no pun) exposure!
There really are (very few) folks who have better natural immunity than others.
However - vaccines do work - most of the time.
I'm happy to get (whatever version) of flu vaccine is available,
had the pneumonia versions & shingles vaccine too.
Shingles: Was chatting with a female pharmacist - after she had asked if I had gotten my shingles vaccination.
(Ans=Yes) - told her of a friend that got shingles on his neck area, went into his inner ear. Temp deafness in one ear for about a month.
SHE said - her husband is a dentist. Had a patient who would come in to get a Novocaine shot to be able to eat at least one meal w/o pain - as the shingles had affected his mouth.
USAF - 1964, basic. Everybody got a Smallpox vaccination. About a week later, my neck was itching like crazy. Went to the infirmary (or whatever they called it). Doc said it was shaving rash - dispensed some kind or ointment. No help - getting worse.
Go back to central dispensary on a Saturday - lucked out, as two guys on their one-day pass to town, had gone to a civilian hospital. One guy had a sore throat, other had strep. Civilian doc had called the base commander, stuff hit the fan!
So - doc sends me over to the base hospital. Doc there, took one look said you have Smallpox Vaccinia. Took ten days (in hosp) to clear it up. Not "sick" - but confined to the Contagious Diseases Ward".
They "guessed" -"maybe" - I had scratched the vaccination site, and then scratched my neck while sleeping?? Who knows.
So, on that one - agree with the never/never posters:
NEVER got another Smallpox vaccination!! - ROTFS ("S"=scratching)
What I do know (and learned) is -
Burrow's Solution (Aluminum Acetate Solution) is *OUTSTANDING* for any
kind of contact dermatitis! It is sold OTC as "Domeboro" astringent solution. Packets of powder you mix with water.
How well does it work? Guy staying at a mtn cabin with us, had a bad case of the hives. He had been trying everything he could think of.
Told him to go down to the local drugstore, get the Domeboro and a spray bottle. Stand in the shower, spray yourself - and only pat dry.
Immediate relief! One more treatment the next day - and gone.
Hey - don't forget your Tetanus shot, and Mex - for those folks giving you a hard time.....apply gel - 400 watt seconds...CLEAR !!