T18skyguy wrote:
My background is medical, and one thing that has helped me is to remember that the flu can only infect you through a mucous membrane. In flu season, remember every door handle is contaminated. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and personal area's which are routes of transmission. When you eat a sandwich, hold it in it's wrapper so the bread doesn't get the pathogens. Avoid coughing people and kids as much as possible, so as not to inhale it. With kids, that remark is made because their always sick. Avoid tight crowds in flu season. If a door handle is a lever, use your wrist instead of your hand to open it. The more you avoid people the better( except for RV'ers :) Look at your immune system as an army. Do you want a trained battle hardened army or a bunch of new recruits? Vaccines train your army of white blood cells to attack an invader more effectively. You can't avoid everything, life must be lived, but with the right approach you can greatly lessen it. And yes hand washing, but the next thing you touch recontaminates you. If your an oldie like me, get the pneumonia shots. By the time you realize your not invincible, it's too late.
Best advice yet. The shots alone don't do much good unless you protect yourself with the above info. Thanks for posting.