12th Man Fan wrote:
Regulator was ordered long before this post. My question was about what I felt was an unusual amount of oil in the line. this was the red regulator by the way.
The RED regulator is a HIGH pressure to lower pressure regulator BEFORE it gets to your main regulator. The usual Tank LP pressure is about 150 PSI. The Red regulator takes that HI PRESSURE and drops it to about 20 PSI to make the run to your regular 2 stage LP regulator. The reason is, since they run a remote LP line, you do not want that line to fail and have 150 PSI LP exhausting to the area around your RV. This set up is usually where you have the extra LP tank on the opposite side of the Main Tank system. Oil in the LP lines and regulator can be caused by dips in the feed lines from the tank, especially if they loop or cause a downward P trap in the feed lines. Oil will accumulate. So, once you have oil, you must repl;ace the affected regulator and it is best to take the affected lines loose and blow/clean out any residual oil. Then make sure you reroute your LP lines from the tanks to the Main regulator with no dips or loops. Remember, LP pressure is NOT measured in PSI in your RV. It is INCHES Water Column whish is 11.5 Inches WC which is about 1/3 of 1 PSI. Doug