Forum Discussion

Rebel1's avatar
Aug 27, 2014

Onan MicroLite 2.5 LP series L

Hello! Newbie needs help! Does anyone have a copy of the SERVICE manual for a Onan MicroLite 2.5 KV, LP (propane) Series L generator that I can download? I have a problem that after running 20 minutes the generator loses spark for a second or two and the generator hesitates, backfires and sometimes will die. Doesn't matter if it is under load, or not. The Onan dealer thinks it may be the ignition controller or an intermittent low oil sensor. I would like to do the diagnoses myself but do not have wiring diagrams, module testing procedures, etc.
Thank You!
  • The greatest majority of dry fuel genset problems are fuel system related.

    Having said that, start with a new spark plug correctly gapped
    (different from gasoline).

    Check your gas regulators, both of them, look closely at the vents for evidence of bugs build homes in them.
  • Thanks for the replies and the manuals. I'll do more pinpoint tests next week.
  • Okay, I've checked the grounds and cleaned them. Pulled the wire off the small spade terminal at the coil and checked it and cleaned it. Seems fine with good tension. I replaced the spark plug yesterday with an original plug from Cummins/Onan dealer. I pulled the 12 terminal plug apart that goes to (I think) the voltage regulator. It looked fine but spread the terminals slightly to increase tension. It has been running for 20 minutes and started the same old thing. It's like it gets hot and losses ignition for a second and then picks it up and will run for a few minutes before it does it again. Sometimes it will cut out and backfire and then MAY die.
    ANY ideas? I hate to just start throwing parts at it and the Cummins/Onan dealer doesn't have a clue. They want me to pull the entire unit out and bring it to them. Plus they are a hundred miles away. I would really like to figure this out.
  • The model number is 2.5KVFA26120L and the serial number is G050807230.

    marcsbigfoo20b27: Thanks for the link but it doesn't really show tests to check the coil, mag or controller. I'm not sure the wiring diagrams are the same for the 2.5 LP, spec L since mine may not have the oil level sensor. I sure do appreciate the response.
    Any one have any ideas?
  • If yours is a Spec L. You don't have a low oil sensor. They stopped using them on Spec K models. Can you post the full model and serial number.
  • Rebel1 wrote:
    Hello! Newbie needs help! Does anyone have a copy of the SERVICE manual for a Onan MicroLite 2.5 KV, LP (propane) Series L generator that I can download? I have a problem that after running 20 minutes the generator loses spark for a second or two and the generator hesitates, backfires and sometimes will die. Doesn't matter if it is under load, or not. The Onan dealer thinks it may be the ignition controller or an intermittent low oil sensor. I would like to do the diagnoses myself but do not have wiring diagrams, module testing procedures, etc.
    Thank You!

    2500 / 2800 Onan service manual
  • Have you disconnected the low oil pressure sensor wire? Onan oil sensor is usually open circuit when OK.