Will try the carb cleaner soon for running,thanks for that tip. Did not like spraying the starter fluid. The internet claims that the oil sensors were a big problem and that Onan eliminated them and best to disconnect when doing testing, on the net so must be true.
Like anything Onan the carb is difficult to get off and not easy to clean. I will have to confirm but Onan sells this carb new for about $300 and no rebuild kits. Rebuild kits are available after market, quality is questionable.
I would never claim to be a mechanic but do own some tools and can follow directions. Often surprise myself with what I can accomplish.
Been RV'ing for over 20 years and owned 2 Ohno's before, second one was a nightmare and have used Hondas ever since. Sold a Honda EV 4010 with an RV and kicked myself ever since. Once things settle down I will be going with the Honda 2000 and sell this for a boat anchor!!
A video for the same Onan as mine carb removal! The mighty little Honda on my Toyota.