I hope satellite signals will be fed via radio signals from at least some studios using hard drives to store their entertainment stuff, and from some emergency government information sources via secure private channels having nothing to do with the Internet.
Everything may "stop" but when things recover enough such that banks can spin up their local hard drives again, and the courts function again, I will have my hard copies to show them as proof from my end on where to start over again regarding me and mine.
Individual bullets will do no good: View again "The Postman" to see how folks will have to combine their bullets and band together enough in fortifications (like that's going to happen) in order to hold off armies of marauding hoodlums.
Slightly back on topic ... probably the shortwave enthusiasts with their transceivers and us folks who still have all-band portable radios (remember those?) will be able to keep something akin to an "intra-net" going.
Trust what you wish ... but be prepared to maybe someday pay the consequences of that in which you trust.