another likely culprint. the outside outlet on the trailer and the kitchen outlets in the trailer should be on a GFI circuit. turn off that circuit. either at the panel breaker in the trailer or at the GFI outlet usually in the bathroom.
any moisture in the outside outlet can lead to a GFI trip. and slight variations in trip limits could cause the 30AGFI to trip but not the bathroom/outside GFI.
And if it trips with even the trailer 30A main panel breaker off, I'd look very carefully at the wiring to the PO installed surge protector circuit.
I have a sneaking suspicion the cause is one of the following
bad wiring to the surge protector
leakage at the fridge heater if the fridge is on
leakage at an outside outlet in the trailer
lastly, someone doing some bad rewiring in the trailer panel
I wired my 30A 120V circuit in the house for trailer power with a 30A GFI breaker. In over 5 years it has never tripped for a GFI fault, and I would never expect it to unless there is a fault somewhere.