You can parallel all sorts of chargers on the same battery bank. They don't have to be identical at all. What happens for how much they add their amps and how that changes as battery voltage rises then depends on their respective "charger voltages." That is complex to describe but easy to see as it happens if you are watching.
I had some posts on this a while ago as Roy says.
Lately, I have been using my 100a PowerMax, 40 amp VEC1093DBD, and solar all at once and they add their amps just fine. Also now I can parallel my 100a and new 55a PowerMax plus solar. ( I could add the 40a VEC too, except the Honda 3000 can't run the 100, 55, and 40 at full amps all at once--needs more VA of a generator)
You don't need a combiner first, just hook each one to the battery. If you have a Trimetric though, you need to put each charger's neg on the shunt's end that is away from the battery or the Tri won't "see" the total amps.
I have read somewhere about "stacking" converters and also about stacking solar controllers like that is something special some can do and some can't. Makes no sense to me why not any of them unless they are trying to get exact same "charger voltages" for some reason.