I have paralleled my 40 amps Meanwell rsp-500-15 and a schumacher sc2500a( 26 amps max) into a single group 27AGM for about 66 amps total into the battery, depending on load at the time.
The meanwell, set to 14.7, will start tapering slowly, fairly quickly into the charge cycle, unless I bump up its voltage to ~15.3v, then they both output their maximum until battery voltage actually hits 14.7v or so which is another 20 minutes or so when depleted to ~50%.
Once amps taper to 40 or less, I remove the schumacher and let the Meanwell finish it off which takes about 4 more hours until amps taper to 0.4a at 14.46v. Absorption time depends on many factors on this battery and likely all lead acid batteries. I've seen it take 8 hours to taper to 0.4 amps at 14.46 after a lot of low and slow solar only, and incomplete recharges