Obviously if you were combining a PD converter with your solar where the solar is likely to be set to maybe 14.6 or more, you want to force the PD into its 14.4 with the Charge Wizard.
That will keep the PD in the mix until the battery voltage gets near 14.4. (Instead of it dropping out at 13.6) After that the solar will keep raising the battery voltage to 14.6 and all the amps will be from the solar.
Be interesting if the solar has a two-hour time limit at 14.6 like an EP Solar one, and the PD is still within its four-hour 14.4 time then. Now the solar will drop to its 13.6 as programmed, and all of a sudden the PD is now doing the amps :)
I have not worked out proper tactics for if the lower voltage one does higher amps than the high voltage charger. You wouldn't want the high voltage one to squeeze out the low voltage one and get fewer total amps. You would need to experiment with your collection of chargers and see what works best (gets most amps)