2oldman wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
So just because two chargers are "adding their amps" it doesn't mean each one is putting its full rated amps into the battery.
For now, my ammeter is how loud my generators get when the charging starts.
It is easier if each charger has its own amps readout. Using a Vector and the normal converter with no amps readout on it, you use your Trimetric for the total amps, subtract what the Vector says, and the remainder is what your converter is doing.
If you can't tell what each one is doing you don't know when to yank one, so just leave them all on till you reach your "marker" for knowing when you can shut off the generator. (It is easier to use an ammeter for your marker, but if none, you can use smk's rule of thumb--get the batteries up to 14.x (whatever the charger's program is for the highest voltage it gets the batts to) and leave it run for another hour.)